The continuing upheaval created by Arizona passing a law that simply enforces a Federal Immigration Law that has been on the books for many years is polarizing the American public and yet again President Obama has come down on the wrong side of the issue.
Forget the fact that 70% of Arizona’s voters favor the stepped up enforcement of our Federal immigration laws. Its now being reported that 64% of all Americans favor what the good citizens of Arizona have done.
Yesterday evening I was able to watch one of those live audience participation television shows where the people in attendance are asked to vote on various questions and then individuals with varying opinions are able to express their views. This program originated from Phoenix Arizona and dealt with the recently passed Arizona illegal immigration enforcement law to be enacted on July 29th. The audience of around fifty Arizona voters closely followed the 70% in favor – 30% opposed poll numbers in Arizona. The discourse was very contentious with the minority loudly and rigorously trying to defend not enforcing Federal law.
Now to the point of this article: Every single issue considered during this program clearly defined the 70-30 split among the audience members up until the final question was posed. The leader of the discussion asked, “Who do you hold responsible for America’s problems with immigration control?”
Every single member of the audience raised their hand when asked if they thought the problem stems from the Federal government’s handling of the issue.
This is not a Democrat verses Republican issue as the Obama Administration has attempted to portray it. As many would have you believe, its not a human rights issue either.
The problem isn’t festering because the people of Arizona, faced with ever-increasing violent crime directly attributed to illegal aliens and illegal drug running across the international border, have taken matters into their own hands.
The problem is, and always has been, due to the Federal government not enforcing the will of the American people.
You can’t lay the blame strictly at the feet of the Obama Administration. Our illegal immigration problems go way back in time. What you can blame the current administration for is turning the problem into a political issue ultimately based on racial discrimination.
President Obama’s repeated condemnations of the new Arizona law have given the left-minded media their marching papers. We are now being submitted to one instance after another where the media is either condemning Arizona or, worse yet, threatening the state with boycotts or other sanctions, all while the President fans the flames of discontent.
An Arizona demonstration turns violent.
Over the last few days we have begun seeing signs of civil unrest thanks to the Obama Administration’s stance.
sends boys home for wearing the American Flag
on Cinco de Mayo. Violence almost erupts.
Yesterday, May 10th, two very different announcements were made public. First, President Obama’s head of the United States Justice Department, Attorney General

Eric Holder, commented to reporters that the Justice Department may bring suit against the State of Arizona in an attempt to stop them from enacting their new law. This came out while on the same day two separate groups in Arizona announced that their attempts to mount ballot initiatives against the new Arizona law were being discontinued. The reasons for their failure hedged on the one true problem they ran into: These referendums didn’t have the support necessary to put them on Arizona’s ballot.
Its real simple here folks, the vast majority of the American people just want everyone to play fair. We understand that our country is strengthened by immigration but it’s got to be done according to our laws.

Personally I hope the Obama led Justice Department moves ahead with their threatened law suit. It will act to confirm that yet again, this administration stands opposed to the will of the American people. It will result in one more nail being placed in the coffin of this failed presidency and the Democrat led United States Congress with the mid-term elections looming.
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