The impetus:
The repaved Daytona track is so smooth that one car can push another all the way around the track, allowing both cars to go as much as 20 mph faster than cars running alone.
Everybody wants to grab a partner and draft…

Okay… So when the laps dwindle down to a precious few next Sunday, who chooses who gets to be the pusher and who gets to be the pushee?
I’d venture to say that every driver’s hand stays down when volunteers for being the pusher are sought and yet everybody’s hand is raised when asked who wants to be the pushee.
So how DO they figure that question out?

Is it just a matter of circumstance?
Joe Blow just happens to be in front of you so ya go ahead and lock up doing him the favor?

Will you, as the pusher, then try something fancy at the end to try and sling shot into the lead for the win? Is turn four on the white flag lap the only opportunity to avoid coming in second place?
Will the grateful recipient of your pushing turn into Frodo’s Uncle Bilbo and want to keep his precious?

(HUH? We're talking precious here!)

Will it be 198 laps of kum-by-ya followed by a two lap knife fight?
I’m going to step out on a flimsy thin limb and say it’s just a case of happenstance. Ya dance with whoever you can up to a point then its every person for themself.

Daytona has really become a conundrum…
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